Willkommen zum Einstufungstest – Business Englisch
I. Correspondence (including abbreviations)
II. Typical & useful expressions
III. Business travel
IV. Telephoning
V. Meetings & negotiations
VI. Job descriptions and interviews
Bitte nenne uns deinen Namen und deine E-Mail-Adresse, damit wir dir direkt im Anschluss an den Sprachtest dein Ergebnis per Mail zuschicken können. Keine Sorge, du erhältst nur genau eine Mail von uns – und zwar mit deinen Antworten im Sprachtest, damit du noch einmal nachgucken kannst, wo du Fehler gemacht hast. Deine Kontaktinformationen erheben und verarbeiten wir gemäß den geltenden Datenschutzbestimmungen. Näheres dazu findest du unter Datenschutz .
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Für die folgenden 27 Fragen hast du 15 Minuten Zeit. Wenn du so weit bist, klicke auf „Weiter“.
1. You are writing an email. Choose the correct sentence…
2. You are writing an email. Choose the correct sentence…
4. Which of these options are appropriate for ending a business letter? (You can select more than one)
5. What does TBA stand for?
6. Complete this sentence used in an email: “Please find the document _____________.”
7. Your work colleague tells you that he is ‘snowed under.’ What does he mean?
8. If an employee is cutting corners, he is…
9. You want to talk about some ideas in an informal way with a colleague. What could you say? I wanted to bounce some ideas _____________ you.
10. _____________ _____________ helps business owners to develop a relationship with people they may do business with in the future.
11. I would like to _____________ a reservation at your hotel.
12. I’m very sorry, but I need to _____________ the reservation at your hotel.
13. When I fly to New York for a business meeting I always get _____________ because of the time difference.
14. “To tip someone” means:
15. To avoid coming across as abrupt and unprofessional on the phone, you would say:
16. When you get a call from someone who needs to speak to someone in a different department, you say:
17. When answering the phone, it’s polite to say: “Hello! How _____________ I help you?”
18. Good telephone _____________ is important to a company because it's usually the first contact point for a customer.
19. When asking for clarification during a business meeting, it’s best to say:
20. An effective meeting _____________ states meeting goals and discussion topics.
21. When asking a question during a business meeting, it’s best to say:
22. You should never _____________ too quickly in a negotiation.
23. Common _____________ in a business include Marketing, Finance, Operations management, Human Resource, and IT.
24. The main person responsible for managing a company is the:
25. Our work _____________ include taking care of our general health and safety as well as the safety of others.
26. After a job interview some employers do a reference check. What does that mean?
27. To apply for a new job ideally you hand in: