Good for you. Good for the planet.
We want to connect people around the world. Language coaches who love teaching their language and culture to others, with people who really want to learn a language. If you’re not one of those learners who just want to play with an app and be satisfied with the feeling of “well, I’m learning a few words every day,” then NELA is for you. Learning a language is more than just learning words or phrases. Our language coaches and our language consultants will help you achieve your goals – beyond your learning time at NELA. It’s about your personal development. Even if you can’t study with us for more than a year, you’ll have a precise roadmap for successfully reaching your goal.
How to learn languages more sustainably
In many countries the economic situation is miserable. Unemployment is high and many talented and motivated people have few opportunities. However, in many of these places there is stable Internet. The NELA team, which has a global network, is investing in these people. NELA provides free language teacher training and TESOL training. We want to empower talented and passionate people from countries like Namibia to be able to take care of themselves. NELA: good for you and for people everywhere in the world.
Your language teacher, not just any language teacher
The online language teachers at our language school are not just teachers. They are personal teachers and coaches. They teach you using video conferencing and accompany you in your daily life in your personal learning chat. This keeps you motivated and talking. And you gain confidence while speaking. That’s what NELA stands for.
Minutes instead of lessons
You have 5 one-on-one minutes in the learning app with your teacher every day. This is how you prepare for your 25-minute live video conferencing lesson.
Personal feedback
Your personal language teacher knows your strengths and weaknesses. In live video conferencing lessons and through your personal learning chat, he or she will give you individual feedback and help you to perfect your pronunciation and feel confident when speaking.
Advance quickly
Through the short, daily lessons, you use the language in everyday life. Your brain gets the right amount of stimuli it needs to store the language permanently. That’s how you make fast progress.
Increased confidence
Through daily interaction with your personal native-speaking teacher, you speak your new language naturally – as if you were in the country. You know the typical expressions of the locals and you simply speak without thinking about it.

Certified Language Teachers
All NELA language teachers have completed the Canadian Institute of English & Applied Neuroscience (CIE) training.
In this dynamic training, they learn 30 brain-friendly teaching methods and receive considerable know-how from neuroscience. This is what distinguishes our teachers:
They are trained to teach different types of learners.
They know what your brain needs to learn in an optimal way.
They know what triggers mental blocks and how to deal with them.
- They know that grammar is like butter. A little is good, too much is hard to digest.
They know that you only learn to speak languages with people.
They are interested in your progress and will keep you motivated.