For things to work smoothly, you should briefly consider which device you want to use to sign up for live lessons. Do you receive the NELA e-mails on the device of your choice? If yes, then it’s simple:
👉 In the reminder e-mail we send you the day before your live lesson, just click the pink button. See picture.

Wenn du auf den Link in der E-Mail geklickt hast, öffnet sich automatisch ein Fenster (siehe Bild unten).

Check the box to give permission to be taken directly to Zoom next time. Then click on “Open link” (see picture below).

This will open a window on Zoom (see picture below).
This is a digital waiting room. You don’t have to do anything. As soon as your teacher “lets you in” to the virtual classroom, you’ll be automatically redirected. 👩‍🏫 Then the lesson can start right away.
đź‘€ One more thing: If you need help, drop us an email at or send us a message in your personal customer service chat in the NELA app or the NELA web version.